Cloning and sequencing of genes involved in muscle and fat formation in Vietnam yellow cattle
Vietnam yellow cow, muscle satellite stem cells, Long-range PCR, genes involved in muscle and fat formationAbstract
Muscle-derived satellite cells play a crucial role in muscle maintenance and regeneration. As a type of mesenchymal stem cell, they can differentiate into myogenic, fibrogenic, and adipogenic cells. Today, with Wagyu beef gaining popularity worldwide as well as in Vietnam, high-marbled beef is increasingly sought after. While Vietnam yellow cattle is raised for meat production, its carcass performance and marbling quality remain suboptimal for the increasingly demanding customers. To lay the foundation for in-depth research on the mechanisms of meat production and intramuscular fat formation in Vietnam yellow cattle, we employ Long-range PCR to clone and sequence genes involved in muscle development and intramuscular fat formation, namely, Pax3, Pax7, Mrf4, Myf5, Myod1, Myog and PPARƴ. This report presents the results of PCR cloning, Sanger sequencing and polymorphism detection of seven genes encoding for proteins involved in muscle development and intramuscular fat formation in the satellite cells derived from Vietnam yellow cattle.