Study on some technical measures on growing and caring for the aroma Tuberose variety in Phuc Tho, Ha Noi
Technical measures, care, tuberose, planting, Phuc ThoAbstract
In order to improve Tuberose’s yield and quality in Phuc Tho district, Hanoi city, in 2022, the Center for flowers, ornamentals research and development studied the effects of planting distance, fertilizer dosage, growth stimulants and foliar fertilizers on yield and quality of aroma Tuberose variety. The results showed that: The growing distance of 15 cm x 20 cm (25 plants per m2) combined with a fertilizer dose of 150 kg NPK added with 30 kg Urea per 1,000 m2 to help the plant grow strongly (16.5 leaves/plant, 6.5 plants/clump), the best flower yield, quality parameters: The flowering rate 93.6%, the actual yield reached 21.6 spikes/m2. The growth stimulant Ademon Super 22.43SL aids the plant grow and develop well with 17.0 leaves/plant, 7.2 plants/clump, the flowering rate 96.8%, the actual yield was 22.1 spikes/m2. The highest yield and flower quality was achieved when the plants were applied foliar fertilizer “ Dau Trau MK 701” (10-30-20 +TE), in detail, the actual yield reached 21.8 spikes/m2, spike length (105.5 cm), inflorescence diameter (1.2 cm).