The effects of integrating organic fertilizers on the growth and yield of organic rice in Phong Dien district, Thua Thien Hue province
Organic rice, yield, compost, biological organic fertilizer, microbial organic fertilizerAbstract
This researched was conducted to estimate the effects of integrating industrial organic fertilizer (HCCN) including microbial organic fertilizer and biological organic fertilizer with compost - manure (PCU) at different ratios on some physiological characteristics and yield of organic rice in Phong Dien district, Thua Thien Hue province in the Winter - Spring crop of 2022 - 2023 and the Summer - Autumn crop of 2023. The results showed that the actual yield in the treatment of the combination of 50%N from HCCN with 50%N from PCU fertilizer (61.0 and 56.2 quintals/ha in Winter - Spring and Summer - Autumn seasons, respectively), and the treatment of 25%N from HCCN with 75%N from PCU (60.3 quintals and 57.1 quintals/ha in Winter - Spring and Summer - Autumn seasons, respectively) were significantly higher than other treatments. These two treatments of the combinations presented higher leaf chlorophyll content (through SPAD value), leaf area index, dry matter accumulation, number of grains per panicle, percentage of filled grains and 1000 - grain weight than the other treatments. They also showed higher profit than the treatment using 100%N from HCCN fertilizer. Thus, the application of these organic fertilizers not only contribute to improving yield and economic efficiency but also contribute to reducing environmental pollution by effectively reusing agricultural residuals.