Research on the sterilization and propagation process of in vitro culture of Bougainvilea ‘Tropical Rainbow’
In vitro, Bougainvillea, sterilization, shoot tips, plant growth regulatorsAbstract
This study was carried out to determine the concentration of disinfectants, sterilization time and appropriate propagation medium, contributing to the completion of the in vitro propagation protocol of Bougainvillea ‘Tropical Rainbow’. The experiments used the basic MS (Murashige and Skoog, 1962) and WPM (Woody Plant Medium, Lloyd, McCown, 1981) medium supplemented with different plant growth regulators. The culture sample was a 5 cm long tip shoot of a 1 year old plant. The results showed that using Javel disinfectant in the ratio of 1 Javel: 3 water for 20 minutes gives the highest rate of sterile survival samples reaching 82.22%. It was observed that on WPM medium supplemented 3 mg/L BA combined with 30 g/L sucrose and 7 g/L agar gave the highest shoot multiplication, the shoots were clearly internote and well grown after 10 weeks cultured. The suitable medium for shoot growth was WPM supplemented with 1.0 mg/L BA to improve shoot quality before moving the rooting stage in culture process.